The Vermont Cannabis & Hemp Convention

Champlain Valley Expo 105 Pearl St., Burlington

The largest convention focused exclusively on the Vermont market! Our exhibitors are the lifeblood of what makes NECANN successful, and helping them achieve high ROI is our primary goal.  We…


NYC Cannabis Parade & Rally

Broadway and W. 32nd Street Broadway and W. 32nd St, New York

  The New York City Cannabis Parade & Rally (NYCCPR) is among the longest running marijuana legalization events in the world. What began as a “Smoke-In” in Washington Square Park…

THC NYC | Cannabis Parade After Party

THC NYC 427 Broadway, New York

Join us in celebrating the 50th anniversary of the NYC Cannabis Parade. Don't miss the exciting AfterParty at the NEW THCNYC Museum following the Parade & Rally. Tour the museum,…
